Friday, March 12, 2010


So it is Lent which means no eating meat on Fridays. While I follow this tradition throughout the year, I have been known to eat meat during non-Lenten Fridays-mainly when Chik-fil-a is an option.

One of my favorite foods to eat anytime of the year but especially during Lent is pierogies. These Polish ravolis are yummy and healthy when you do not fry them in butter! However, pierogies always remind me of my mom. We used to make these on Fridays when I was little. We would have so much fun rolling the dough and pinching them closed. We would only buy them from the Ukraine church down the road when we could not make them.

Now, while I have not made pierogies in a long time, I still eat them. I generally buy a national brand because no matter how good the others, are they are still not my moms!

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