Sunday, March 13, 2011


So it is Lent again and once again I have given up something I love-desserts! Why I do this, I do not know but I do. Today while I was at church, Mother Abby talked about temptation. I really took this to heart. Some of my friends ease the Lenten burden by allowing themselves to eat or have the item they have given up during the week on Sunday. We never did this growing up so I always continue my Lenten observance on Sunday as well.

This weekend has been tougher. My niece, Kelsey Baby made cupcakes. They are vanilla with white icing my favorite. They are sitting on the counter calling my name. I am avoiding temptation and writing a blog:) I figure if Jesus could die on a cross, I can avoid a cupcake. His strength was greater than mine but I am going to live up to him because I can.

I also am trying to do something nice daily which my friend Tracy does. Again not the easiest weekend but I am channeling my Aunt Marion. She always has a big heart and is the most forgiving person I know. So I am thinking about her when I need to do the right thing.

Well one week down and five more to go!