Thursday, July 17, 2008

Jess and Nicole's Gift

Jess and Nicole gave me vanity license plates for my birthday which say WDW MOM on them. I immediately asked Jim if this meant we were moving to Virginia because this is the only state where everyone has vanity plates. Luckily, we are staying put.
The funny thing about this gift is that I was driving with illegal plates for about a month! This is why Jim was volunteering to take my truck because he did not want me to get the ticket from the cops!
I would have had a heart attack if that would have happened!

Party Extras

So no party in the Titus household would be complete without some fun. My sister and Aunt Mary decided I needed to wear a tiara, pink feather boa and have a magic wand to sprinkle pixie dust. I think they are taking the Disney thing too far!

There was a picture of me when I was about 4 months old and had no hair, and the party favor was my picture at about age six on a cookie. The cookies were brought all the way from Piazza's Bakery (my favorite bakery) in Pennsylvania.

Finally, a scrapbook with all my embarassing pictures was passed around the room.

The best is that I now have a year to plot Kathy's 40th and three years to plot Mary's 50th.


As for my Schlegel family contributions, Erin did the invitations and held my presents. Also, Rick and her arrived early to decorate and start the beer tab. As for the flowers on the table, compliments of Aunt Hilda's garden.

Truly a family effort!

Happy 40!

So I have finally joined an elite club the over 40 crowd. What a weekend I had.
On Friday, my actual birthday, I went to lunch in Jackson Heights at the Jackson Diner for Indian with my friends from work. It is my favorite place even if they did not have samosas and then we had 7 Up Cake at the office.
When I got home, we went to dinner at the St. James and then to Frozen Cup for ice cream just the four of us.
Saturday had us at the pool and then I went and cut 10 inches of hair off my head to be donated to Locks of Love.
Finally, my surprise party with my family and friends was Saturday night at a great Italian place called Piccola Bussola. I had my parents, sister Kathy and Aunt Mary from PA come up as well as my best friends, Bob and Trish from Jersey. (Trish did not believe it could take four hours from their house to ours!)
I recieved my first, second, third and fourth gifts from Tiffany's compliments of my sister and friends as well as Disney items, more jewelry, gift cards and my own Kreuig coffee machine. Jess and Nicole have drunk more hot chocolate this week then all last winter.
This was all pulled off by Jim and my cousin Erin. Great party folks!

Monday, July 14, 2008

Our Family from Holland

Our good friend Trisha's mom is from Holland. This year Oma's family came over to visit for three weeks. Since Oma has always taken care of me, it was my pleasure to play tour guide in my home city.
We visited the World Trade Center, Battery Park, the Empire State Building, Bryant Park, Chinatown and Little Italy where we had delicious pizza.
The girls, Chloe and Nicky, were most impressed with the MTV Store in Times Square.
Here is a picture of Chloe (blue tank), Alex, Nicky (behind Jess), Jess and Uncle Bektus on the Brooklyn Bridge. We did walk halfway and could see two of the Waterfalls which are a part of an exhibit.

The Whopper

Okay so here I am with the only keeper of the trip - a 23 incher baby! Of course, I really should give credit to Jim for not tangling up my line and Rick for diving under the boat to hook it.
Seriously, the credit goes to Jess who picked my bait!
By the way, it tasted delicious!

Just Fishing

We got to spend a Saturday with Brendan and Rick on the best boat, Oppa's Crew, for a day of fishing. Everyone had a lot of fun and the kids had fun just sitting on the back of the boat.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Last Day of School

Nicole poses with Mrs. Oerzen, her fourth grade teacher, and Carroll outside of school. She is dying to look inside her envelope not to see her grades (straight As) but to see who she got for next year.
The lucky teacher - Mr. D. He is the most popular 5th grade teacher and she is happy!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Graduation Party

Jessica decided to have her graduation lunch at Benihana's. Here she is with Kelsey, Nicole and Brendan. Her friend Gabby decided to have her party here too!

It was the first time to Benihana's for Grandpoppy and Grandmommy who both enjoyed the meal.

Later, the rest of the family came to our house for cupcakes and snacks.

Best Friends and Seventh Graders

Jessica and Kaitlyn pose for the first time together as seventh graders. Kaitlyn won many awards at graduation. She is a great friend and since Jess finally got her cell phone as her graduation gift the texts have been flying.


On June 25th, Jessica graduated from Floral Park-Bellerose School. She won the award for the highest average in reading which was a great achievement.
At the ceremony, awards are given, the band and orchestra play a song and the class sings a song. This year's song was Breaking Free from High School Musical.
Afterwards, a reception follows in the gym which is still decorated from the dance.
Here Jessica is with Grandmom Lillian, Grandpoppy, Grandmommy and Aunt Hilda along with Jim and I. Nicole was still in school as siblings in school cannot attend the ceremony.

Elvis and Neil

The dance had funny cutouts to take pictures behind. Jess and Kiera decided to be Elvis and Neil Armstrong.
Also, this year the school hired a digital photography company to take pictures of the kids with their friends and teachers and then had an assortment of frames to display each.

Sixth Grade Dance

Every year the sixth grade has a dance on the Friday before graduation. The class votes on a theme, Retro this year, and the parents decorate the gym to match the theme. Our gym had records on the walls, old fashioned cardboard cars to take pictures in and a time machine to enter the gym in.
I was lucky to work the dance and the rest of the parents could attend for the last thirty minutes. All of the sixth grade teachers attended the dance as well.
This is Jess with her friends Carolyn, Gabby, Katie, Cassidy and Kiera. They had a great time dancing and goofing off.