Monday, June 16, 2008

How Time Flies

So we are almost at the end of the school year. It will be a long few days to go. My girls still have tests and homework this week while many of their friends are hanging out these last few days. This is their parent's fault as we like strong teachers. (They do not know we request the tough ones.:))

For Jess, it means the last few days in elementary school as she moves to the Junior/Senior High in the fall. There are so many teachers who have gotten her this far that it will be hard to say goodbye and hello to new friends next year. It is like kindergarten all over again. But first is the dance and then graduation.

For Nicole, it means not having a sister to worry about at school. Nicole is an amazing young lady who has a heart of gold and never leaves her sister behind no matter what. I hope her teacher next year continues to push her they way this year's teacher did.

For Jim and I, it means a new world of cell phones and continuing to let go a little to our girls. Both will be walking to and from school with friends next year but they still get 10 weeks of summer fun. Some will be at camp. Some with be at dance. Some will be at the pool. Some will be with us on vacation.

I hope the some will have more smile than tears.

Jess Bridges to Cadets

Jessica bridged to Cadets tonight. Here she is reading what Girl Scouts mean to her. She leaves behind two awesome leaders that wanted to hold her back a year because they loved her so!
Next year will be a new adventure with a new group of girls.

Nurse Kelsey to the Rescue

Kelsey thought all Uncle Jimmy's foot needed was a Dora the Explorer band aid. It must have worked because his foot reduced significantly overnight.
I see medical school in her future!

Coley and Kelsey

Luckily for the kids, Rick has a pool. Here Nicole and her mini me, Kelsey, have fun in the pool.
Kelsey likes to think she is a big kid and luckily her older cousins like having her to play with.

Happy Father's Day

Yesterday was Father's Day. We celebrated on Saturday with dinner at Houlihan's and then we watched Hairspray.
On Sunday, we gave Jim breakfast in bed. This is a photo of Jess which was taken in the afterschool program. Her teacher took the picture, enlarged it and then Jess picked out a frame and personalized it.
He then relaxed for a little bit before we headed to Rick and Erin's for a barbecque with the family.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Jim's Boo Boo

So while Jess and I are on our trip, Jim and Nicole were having a little quality time. They went to her lacrosse game on Saturday and went to Jim's softball game on Sunday morning. Nicole usually goes to softball because she likes to harass one of Jim's friends, Tom King.

So while he was attempting to slide into third base, the base won and Jim broke his ankle. He collect Nicole, dropped her off at his mom's and went to his hospital for x-rays. He did happen to call and tell me there was no need to come home early.:)

He really chipped the little bone that sticks out on his left foot. The orthopedist put him in a walking cast and told him to come back in two weeks.

Our friends, the Schelecthers, picked us up after the trip, took him and Nicole dinner and bought us food for the next morning.

Our friend, Tracy, made us dinner Monday night which was delicious.

Thanks to everyone who helped Jim and I out! We are truly blessed!

Finally Heading Home

Jess is ready for the drive back to NY. We watched Hairspray, Enchanted and National Treasure during our bus rides.
We had a great two days and have decided to visit Baltimore to see the state sport, jousting, in action on Saturday nights.

Junior Troop 1003 or 04

On Sunday, we headed to Baltimore for the day. First we went to the National Aquarium. Here the troop is in front of bubbles. We then saw the dolphin show.

After lunch, we took the Duck Tour which I would highly recommend if you get a chance.

Jess was disappointed we did not get to visit the largest Barnes and Nobles which is located at the Inner Habor.

I have a dream...

Jessica is standing on the spot where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his infamous I Have a Dream speech. A little known fact is that he did not have those inspiring words written in the speech but added them during it.
I have a dream that all children have loving parents, food in their bellies and no hardships at all.

The Wall

My dad's cousin, John Dennis Donovan, died in Vietnam. Everytime we go to DC, I like to visit his name and say a prayer. Jessica gets so emotional when we visit.
I am grateful to all the men and women who have given their lives for freedom, and the ones who continue the battle now.
They are the greatest Americans!

White House

Jessica and Kaitlyn are standing outside the White House. Jess is confident Kaitlyn will be the first female President and her the Chief of Staff.
Hopefully, they will let their moms on the other side of the gate!

Washington DC

Jessica and I spent Saturday, June 7 and Sunday, June 8 in Washington, DC and Baltimore with her Girl Scout troop. It was almost 100 degrees but we saw many things and had a great trip.
This is us in front of the Capitol.

Third Place in the Sixth Grade Wheelbarrel Race

Jess and Kiera came in third place in the Wheel Barrel race! They are in the middle in red.

Third Place in the Fourth Grade Relay

Matt, Sam, Carroll and Nicole won third place for the Fourth Grade Relay!

Team Newsom

Team Oerzen

Train Float

This is the team who built the train station float.
Matt, Emma, Sarah and Nicole

Team Oerzen

Evan, Sarah and Nicole pull their float

Team Newsom

Mrs. R., Jasmine, Jess and Mrs. Newsom pull the float.

Olympic Day 2008

Every year our school has Olympic Day. This includes not only sporting events but contest such as spelling, class banners, uniforms and the all important float.
The school holds a parade on the streets around the school which brings everyone out to watch. Then they head to the back fields for the games. Finally, it is indoors to pick a winner. It was the first year I got to watch most of the events which was a lot of fun.
This year Jess and Nicole were a part of the float team for their class.
This is Jessica's float which won third place. Special Thanks to Jep for providing real fire equipment and hats for the class!

Jessica Wins Another Essay Contest

Jessica won an essay contest on the person who has been special to her. She picked Mrs. Vecchione her teacher since first grade.
Here is the essay:
Mrs. Vecchione made a difference in my life by introducing me to Lunch Bunch. I will never forget that first day in first grade. I discovered I did not like the cafeteria, and I would not eat my lunch. Then Mrs. G. told me about Lunch Bunch and how I would eat in Mrs. Vecchione’s room. I was so happy.

But the first day I was going to Lunch Bunch, I was nervous. I hunkered down by the trash can to wait. To my relief, Mrs. Vecchione arrived and took me to her classroom. I discovered I liked it much better then the cafeteria and ate lunch for the first time in a few days. Lunch Bunch became more then just a place to eat. To me, it became a place for friends and a second home.

The lessons I learned are that Mrs. Vecchione is the nicest person in the universe. You should not be afraid of new experiences because someone will guide you through them. Teachers are our friends.

Mrs. Vecchione was the difference in my life by making me feel at ease and more confident about myself. Without Lunch Bunch, I would have been slowly starving myself. I feel blessed to know Mrs. Vecchione.


Once again, Nicole played softball in the town. Here she is on first with her best bud, Brigid, on the mound.
It is hard to cheer for only your child when you know all the girls on the other team as well.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Team Jessica

Jessica attended the wedding shower of one of her teachers, Ms. Murray. Here Jessica along with Mrs. Vecchione and Ms. Terranova are part of the team that worked with Jess in second grade. They were truly the best group of women to have Jess work with that year. They helped to give Jess the foundation which is paying off now.
We like to think these ladies are more than just teachers-they are our special angels and family!

Breakfast Bunch Ladies

Jessica has had the privilege of being a member of a special group of children who meet in the mornings before school called Breakfast Club.
Jess is the last of the founding group of children and her friends Victoria and Britt came to surprise Ms. Murray for her wedding shower. The girls baked the cookies with Mrs. Vecchione the day before and have a good time together.
Britt is going to be a Junior and Victoria will be in 8th grade.
Ms. Murray will be getting married in Annapolis at the Navy Chapel to Dennis on August 2.

Immigration Play

Nicole's class is studying immigration in school and they put on a play about coming to America through Ellis Island. Nicole played a Russian mom who came over with her family. The family had to stay at Ellis Island until they had money for a train ticket to move to their new home.
Nicole thought is was funny that her daughter was her friend Emma.

Memorial Day Parade

Every year our town has a Memorial Day Parade. This year Nicole marched with her Junior troop.

Afterwards, we had dinner with our friends, the Schlecters.